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5 Reasons Why You Need To Get A GP Medical Certificate For Your Leave Application

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If you are feeling under the weather and want to take a two- or three-day leave from work, then consider having a medical certificate in place, especially if you don't want to be caught off-guard by the HR department. While workplace policies everywhere aren't the same, most workplaces appreciate employees with a GP medical certificate if they are going to be away for more than 2 or 3 consecutive days. Here are some of the minor illnesses that occur every now and then, and a medical certificate can help you be better prepared when you take leave.

Cold And Flu

Sometimes, cold and flu have the same symptoms, and coming to work with a bad cold and a high temperature can often be highly challenging. At this point, it's recommended to stay at home and get some rest. If your reporting head or the HR department is asking for a medical certificate at this juncture, then instead of going to a doctor’s clinic for an in-person consultation, opt for an online doctor to diagnose the disease and get a prescription. The great news is that with this prescription, you can also buy medication and treat the cold and flu symptoms effectively.

Food Poisoning

While food poisoning might not be contagious, it can definitely affect your working efficiency in the office. Sometimes stomach flu can hamper your general well-being, and staying at home for a few days is the only way out. If you are suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea and it's connected with a lingering fever, then it's time that you take some rest, and medications are essential. However, stomach flu can linger for days, and the need for a GP medical certificate cannot be ignored. You might tell the office management about the health issue, but a GP prescription will give much more reliability and credibility to your words.

Menstrual Cramps

If you are dealing with menstrual cramps or heavy bleeding, then that might be a valid reason to stay at home. Many women have to bear unbearable pain during that time of the month, and it's advised to take some rest. At times, weakness, vomiting, and severe pain make it challenging even to get out of bed. In that case, seek an online medical consultation, get a medical certificate that you can show to the HR department, and seek leave for a day or two.


While headaches and migraines seem like an excuse, taking painkillers and coming to the office is definitely not the answer. It's a signal that stress has taken over your health and you need to take leave for a day or two. In such a situation, it is advised to seek medical attention, and online consultations are a great asset. A GP medical certificate can help you greatly, as your reporting manager would understand the severity of the issue and give you paid leave to deal with your health. A medical certificate actually ensures that you don't need to worry about pay cuts due to unauthorised leaves.

Back Pain

Sitting at work for long hours means that you might have to deal with back pain. However, if things get unbearable, then a good choice would be to seek medical help. Instead of going to the doctor in person, it's vital to seek medical help online. However, if you are advised to take bed rest for a long period of time, then again, it's recommended to have a medical certificate in hand to deal with the office management so that you get to avail of leaves with pay.

Final Words

While these are the most common issues where you need to take leave and a medical certificate can definitely help, there are plenty of other reasons that call for your absence, and at that juncture, a doctor's prescription can help you a great deal. Go for an online consultation and get your medical certificate now. It's fast, easy, and convenient, too.